Italian Verb Conjugations: Volere
Indicative Mood - Present
io voglio I want
tu vuoi you want (singular)
lui/lei/è vuole he/she/it wants
noi vogliamo we want
voi volete you all want
loro vogliono they want
Indicative Mood - Imperfect
io volevo I wanted
tu volevi you wanted (singular)
lui/lei/è voleva he/she/it wanted
noi volevamo we wanted
voi volevate you all wanted
loro volevano they wanted
Indicative Mood - Future
io vorrò I will want
tu vorrai you will want (singular)
lui/lei/è vorrà he/she/it will want
noi vorremo we will want
voi vorrete you all will want
loro vorranno they will want
Indicative Mood - Present Perfect
io ho voluto I have wanted
tu hai voluto you have wanted (singular)
lui/lei/è ha voluto he/she/it has wanted
noi abbiamo voluto we have wanted
voi avete voluto you all have wanted
loro hanno voluto they have wanted
Indicative Mood - Past Perfect
io avevo voluto I had wanted
tu avevi voluto you had wanted (singular)
lui/lei/è aveva voluto he/she/it had wanted
noi avevamo voluto we had wanted
voi avevate voluto you all had wanted
loro avevano voluto they had wanted
Indicative Mood - Future Perfect
io avrò voluto I will have wanted
tu avrai voluto you will have wanted (singular)
lui/lei/è avrà voluto he/she/it will have wanted
noi avremo voluto we will have wanted
voi avrete voluto you all will have wanted
loro avranno voluto they will have wanted
Passato Remoto
io volli I wanted
tu volesti you wanted
lui/lei volle he/she wanted
noi volemmo we wanted
voi voleste you all wanted
loro vollero they wanted
Presente volendo (wanting)
Passato avendo voluto (having wanted)
Conditional Mood
io vorrei I would want
tu vorresti you would want (singular)
lui/lei/è vorrebbe he/she/it would want
noi vorremmo we would want
voi vorreste you all would want
loro vorrebbero they would want
Past Conditional
io avrei voluto I would have wanted
tu avresti voluto you would have wanted (singular)
lui/lei/è avrebbe voluto he/she/it would have wanted
noi avremmo voluto we would have wanted
voi avreste voluto you all would have wanted
loro avrebbero voluto they would have wanted
Subjunctive Mood - Present
che io voglia that I want
che tu voglia that you want (singular)
che lui/lei/è voglia that he/she/it wants
che noi vogliamo that we want
che voi vogliate that you all want
che loro vogliano that they want
Subjunctive Mood - Imperfect
che io volessi that I wanted
che tu volessi that you wanted (singular)
che lui/lei/è volesse that he/she/it wanted
che noi volessimo that we wanted
che voi voleste that you all wanted
che loro volessero that they wanted
Past Perfect Subjunctive
che io abbia voluto that I have wanted
che tu abbia voluto that you have wanted (singular)
che lui/lei/è abbia voluto that he/she/it has wanted
che noi abbiamo voluto that we have wanted
che voi abbiate voluto that you all have wanted
che loro abbiano voluto that they have wanted
Imperative Mood
(tu) vogli you want (singular)
(Lei) voglia you want (formal)
(noi) vogliamo let's want
(voi) vogliate you all want
(Loro) vogliano they want (formal)